Diambil dari album purpose dengan judul lagu yang sama, MY TOP SONGS LYRICS kembali menyajikan lirik lagu-lagu Justin bieber untuk para pecinta musik. album Purpose sendiri yang rilis pada tanggal 13 November 2015 dianggap sebagai album terbaik dari Justin bieber yang berhasil mendapat banyak pujian dan sukses luar biasa. kesuksesannya bahkan memecahkan record 51 tahun The Beatles ditangga lagu billboard. Sebanyak 15 lagu di album ke-empatnya ini masuk ditangga lagu Billboard Hot 100 hanya dalam waktu sepekan saja. seperti apa lagu terbaru Purpose Lyric - Justin Bieber dan klip videonya,cek di bawah ini. enjoy !
Purpose Lyric - Justin Bieber
Feeling like I'm breathing my last breath
Feeling like I'm walking my last steps
Look at all of these tears I've wept
Look at all the promises that I've kept
I put my heart into your hands
Here's my soul to keep
I let you in with all that I can
You're not hard to reach
And you bless me with the best gift
That I've ever known
You give me purpose
Yeah, you've given me purpose
Thinking my journey's come to an end
Sending out a farewell to my friends, forever peace
Ask you to forgive me for my sins, oh would you please?
I'm more than grateful for the time we spent, my spirit's at ease
I put my heart into your hands
Learn the lessons you teach
No matter when, wherever I am
You're not hard to reach
And you've given me the best gift
That I've ever known
You give me purpose everyday
You give me purpose in every way
Oh, you are my everything
Oh, you are my everything
I don't know if this is wrong
Because someone else is telling me that it's wrong
But I feel this so let me just like
Try my best not to let this happen again
We weren't necessarily put in the best position to make the best decisions.
You can't be hard on yourself for these
Were the cards that you were given
So you have to understand that these
Like... that's not who you are.
You're trying to be the best you can be
But that's all you can do
If you don't give it all you got
You're only cheating yourself
Give it all you got
But if it ends up happening, it ends up happening
That's what it's.... that's what's happening with me
It's like God I'm giving it all I got
Sometimes I'm weak and I'm gonna do it
And it's like I'm not giving myself grace
I'm just like understanding, that's just how it is
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